Saturday, 14 July 2012

OPOTAKA Explore - "Jess and Sue Adventures"

Jim and Tim had left to go adventure riding with our two adventure bikes for the day which left Sue and Jess also looking for some form of adventure daytrip.

A Small WaterHole that had frozen into solid Ice
 "Where Does That Road Lead To", -  Doesn't just have to stop short as we are short on two wheeled machines.  Owning a cruiser opens another whole new world of opportunities, and most certainly provided the two of us with  tracks and trails to take in.  The four wheel drive capability of our Land Cruiser presented us with one very exciting day. 

Now, where to start.  Amazing when you drive around the countryside you start to notice those road signs that lead off out into bush covered areas, and well,   the Cruiser did some exploring of its own.   We left Taupo and headed out around the Southern side of Lake Taupo, a wonderful world opened itself up and we found many 4 x 4 trails that I was able to truck the cruiser over.  The weather conditions freezing cold and around minus four, enroute out to National Park we decided to head off the main road that led us into Opotaka and the site of a Maori pa and home for the Maori people many years ago. 
OPOTAKA - The Home of A Maori Pa Site

The days icey and freezing conditions had left their mark over this area.   Parking the Cruiser and venturing up the pathway that took us to the pa and Maori village site we found several of these patheways were covered in solid ice in parts, and many of the mud puddles we drove through were frozen over also.   The wheels of the 4 x 4 crunched and crackled over the frozen iceways.  Jess attempted to "Walk On Ice" at one point and it was thick and solid.  Amazing, I have visited these areas often and have never seen iced water holes.

One of the trails leading past the dam - frozen and crisp with ice
The views today STUNNING - cool crisp and plenty of snow on the mountains
A Gravel Road That Leads Out To A Fishing Spot At The Waters Edge
Welcome to Opotaka - Home Of Historic Maori Pa Site
Taking in some of the history before we make our way up to check out the Pa
RUA - Storage Pit - Used to store and Contain Food

Historic PaSite Looks Out Onto Stunning Views

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