Monday, 26 November 2012

Taumarunui Station Visit - 15/12/12

This week we highlight our proposed visit to Taumarunui Station.  This has kindly been offered to us to bring our Gravel Riders to enjoy a visit on Our 15th December 2012 Xmas Breakup Ride.  This huge station caters for extremely large HORSE RIDING SAFARIS,  now we bring our Adventure Riders to visit.  Another unique visit here indeed.  

Our Taumarunui Station that we will be visiting over our 15th December 2012 Xmas Breakup Ride   The waterfall cascading down from the hills and flowing eventually into the Whakapapa River
  Taumarunui Station and we have a small "Laugh" as we look to   "Venture into this property" - this small offering with my link below says it allll.......
If you wish to view that Something A Little Bit Different By Way of Videos - This Just In From Roving Explorer Sue featuring "SCENES from our Taumarunui Station visit" - coming up very very shortly,  this promises to be a goodie also,  go on,  open this link below and be prepared to a laugh - - - -    15th December and we really do have it!

             <<<<<<<<<<    IN  FROM  JIM   >>>>>>>>>>

The meaning of owning a dual purpose bike -  "Giving the rider Total Flexability"
One day exploring and mapping out "Offroad Trails" – Did I mention riding there as well.
The Big F800 parked high attop The Whakapapa River - 'Like Diamonds In The Sun" - the sun glistening off the river as it meanders its way around and through this property,  which backs onto our Owhango Property.  The two properties are only separated by The Whakapapa River here.   Our glow worm residents have promised to "Turn It Up for us" on the Saturday evening:  NOTE:  these LOCALS  are also housed right at the back of Owhango adjacent to this Taumarunui Station.
Exploring right to the very tip of one of our loop circuits here,  this gate leads out and into another area of DOC lands.  The F800 of course explored further on,  and our route now turns into more single-track territory.  For our big bikes;  here we end our journey "OVERLAND".
The track that leads around to the Waterfalls in the hilltops - Very sheltered in this valley,  we noticed this area seemed to have its very own Eco-climate.

Last ride for the year December 15th/16th based at Owhango – Tongariro adventure

This is our Last Ride for the year and promises to be "THE BEST YET". If the conditions are favourable (ground & weather) the volcanic activity behaves or adds to our experience and we hold our tongues the right way we are in for an epic ride which promises to be better than all the other rides we have been on this year. There is a lot of off road sections to this ride but they are dependant on conditions. If the worst happens and it rains prior we will resort to plan B. Staying at/close to the Owhango hotel means Saturday night should be enjoyable for all.

   If you can only do One ride then this is "The One". The "Fun Factor" should be HIGH and I reckon if you do not enjoy this ride and the views that go with it check under the hood to see if you have a pulse!

Cheers ride group members,

                                              Jim Denham.


The meaning of owning a dual purpose bike- "Giving the rider Total Flexability"

Next day – back on the tarmac and totally comfortable. Heated grips when needed and an upright riding position. Dualies give their riders options.

 As we travelled through the Station which is a Maori Land Block,   we could not get enough of the peace and tranquillity here.    Our Hosts have put a vast amount of work and effort into the upkeep and maintenance of this property which is made up of peat and pumice primarily.   A major soil testing programme was embarked upon to get this Station into the state that we viewed just recently.  This property is now able to adequately grow and sustain the grass life that is being grown here,  given the extremely diverse climates.  In summer this property boasts temperatures of up to 36 degrees,  whilst in the cool of winter  temperatures can go down to below minus seven degrees.  Amazing.  Our visit leaving from Auckland in the early mng saw large temperature variances,  one stage we were riding through 7 degrees, our temperature had reached upwards of 22 on our arrival into The Station.  The art of layering came into play as we left Auckland,  and by the time we concluded our visit here,  the sun was bearing down on us and we found ourselves peeling off those layers very quickly.

The F650GS also makes an appearance from "Out Of The Garage at Whenuapai" - Riding my big bike to give her a good run,  I found the entrance leading into the station was lovely riding and well suited to my big bike   After leaving the scenic gravel road I had about another kilometre of pumice roading to enjoy,  the big bike handled it well and we entered down into The Station.  Words simply cannot describe how it felt to be here amidst the solitary peace and quiet.

Entries closing Wednesday 28th November 2012


+++++     TK  TWISTER     Saturday 24th November 2012   +++++

Highlights - Our First Crop of Pictures in from Andrew -   Saturday and under the THREAT of RAIN, we were thinking of cancelling our Farm Tour, in the interests of our bigger bikes,  but putting a notification out to those who had wished to attend,  many decided they would tackle the Farm Tour regardless.  
Leaving West Auckland early on the Saturday mng to meet the group at BP Pakakura,  it was excellent to meet up with a group of Harley riders heading out to Thunder Beach.  Yay,  and some of these I have ridden with before.  As Our group of Gravel Riders met and left to meet more Gravel Riders en route who had made it to Te Kauwhata township,  the weather had made for a most rapid change.  It was wonderful to see such a large group still wishing to tackle our Farm Tour,  and the weather was simply turned on for us,  absolutely amazing.  The sun shone down on us brightly and bathed us in rays that we have not become accustomed to as of late  -  we were soon alll delayering as our progress took us to begin our Farm Blocks.
Only within the space of one week before our planned Saturday visit here,  news was forwarded through to us re the recent heavy downpours in the area,  which would have made these tracks treacherous for bigger adventure bikes.     Entering into this region,  unbelievable,   since last week's ground review to us,  the clay hills  "Rock-Solid" and on the day Jim now deemed the terrain as being suitable for our adventure riding.   In places, the grass was still slippery,  but the farm itself was extremely firm and as we made our journey "Overland"  and along the ridge line tracks,  we found we had excellent grip for our bikes. 

Wow,  who would have guessed that Te Kauwhata,  the small township "In The Middle of Nowhere,  but in the Very heart of Everything"  harboured such wonderful countryside.  The very best gravel road of this adventure tour was saved for the very last,  and did NOT disappoint.  A gorgeous, twisty and windy gravel road excursion was presented to us just before our scheduled lunch stop, and the grader had been through to make this very interesting.  Very narrow and windy and the narrow embankments clad in native bush.  MAGIC. 
Not, to be concluded here,  and to ensure we ended our adventure on a very high note,  Ride Leader Lewis determined it would be nice to exit the area through the BEST of our gravel roads for the day,  so The Gravel Riders once again enjoyed a FRESH GRADER-SPECIAL,   and we exited our ride via this temptation once again.
Geeze Lewis     THANKS  -  with buddies like these  A Gravel Rider  will go  f a r  :)

My Xmas Wish List - That's It,  you guessed it Sue,  My VERY OWN Supa X Track in MY OWN Back Yard  :)   "Not too far short of our HOTTT  guesses   LIST there Al"

<<<<<M O V I E          T I M E>>>>>
     and  Incoming    <<<   First Video released from the                  TK TWISTER   X  Files  >>>

Lewis led us "Out and About" through Many of the very best gravel and back country roads that Te Kauwhata had to offer.    This video features our first farming station and wow,  would you believe a Treasure Chest was opened - a Supa X track had been carved out into the hillsides on this huge Farming Station.  Whilst our Adventure Bikes were tooo heavy to tackle the back flips  :),  and taking flight from the RAMPS around the back of the track  :),  many could not resist the temptation,  and had a small "Lads at Play" session amongst the now firm and hard packed clay tracks.

After meeting with the local farmer,  Sue and the mighty DR650 head off down the farming track to meet up with the BOYS,  who were kept busy watching with excitement at the antics of some who had a play on the Supa X track.  This was good cinema viewing indeed.   Now,  I suppose I had best add this to our Xmas Competition Question,  What Does An Adventure Rider wish for Xmas,    Another Answer is now on my list,    It is all now very obvious  -   An Adventure Riders Playground,  in their own backyard  of course!!!   Glaringly obvious.....

"Paul,  aka Inspector Gadget", (to understand this,  view our vids and you will see what the mighty DR650 comes packing with)   taking it all in and preparing to TAKE the EXPERT loop track on his exit out  -    In this episode we catch up with Dean and Bev and they share their thoughts on maybe tackling the Supa X Trax?  -  "No,  they were really just saving their talent for the Trail Ride the next day at Glen Murray"   (YOU C  -  The Oracle Knows Allll)   :)

Jim details the "BEST" route for our big bikes on our planned exit of the "Farming Station",  very very tempting indeed, but we have all heard the Now Famous Quote - "Momentum is Your Friend",  If you don't come with this friend attached,  Simple answer - Watch and view,  This is not to you!!!   "Taking that Road MORE widely travelled" -  the best "EXIT ROAD" choice.

and finally,,,,,     Down to the Bottom Of Our Listing,  we have it.......  the much and eagerly anticipated....

Xmas Competition

- An Age-Old Question Needs to be Answered:  -  What Does  An Adventure Rider want for Xmas???     Winner of this question - We will pick the most unique answer and reveal to you in our great unveiling - What did WE think was the most UNIQUE answer to this question???:

This Week - Further Renderings have been forwarded through - and here they are -  I will put THESE two answers on the "HOTTTT   LIST"

(pssst,,,,,   What's A HOTTTT    LIST?????  )

This is  ON TOP OF MY HOTTT and smokin HOT LIST

Well here we are:
This LADY Adventure Pillion
Rider has come from OUT of The Kitchen
To The Seat of Our "DR CLAN"
Too hot for her in that
kitchen,  she now "TOPPPS" my "HOTTT
and smokin LIST"!!!
You asked the age old question
What an Adventure Rider wish would be
So I put on my thinking cap
And this is my summary
No bike seat is any harder
Than a Suzuki DR650
So a new seat or more padding
Is the obvious choice for me
A bike inter phone would be handy
I could chat though the headset
And tell Dean that my bum was numb
And cry 'aren't we there yet?"
I hope I win this t-shirt
I would wear it with such pride
And if it didn't fit me
It could be padding for my backside!
How's that???


This is ANOTHER HOT  LIST item -  One that many are currently talking about:
(deserves a HOTTIE emblem also)  

 "Raise em Pardner -  We have YOU Covered!!!"


This week I conducted a survey at our local Native Tree Cafe on SH27 whilst the Gravel Riders were enjoying a little "DOWN time over lunch" -    Amazed to find the most common Answers from most recipients:   -

    GPS Mapping Unit

    NEW Adventure Riding Gear for the NEW Season

    NEW Gloves

    NEW Boots

Basically  the worx,  NEW Adventure Riders Apparel

<<<<<   REMINDER:

Next SEason Gravel Riders Membership to OUR Ride Group commences 01st February 2013 and ends 31st January 2014

-  New Concepts

-  Gravel Newz Editions especially tailored towards our "Ride Group Members" next season

-  Where Does That Road Lead To?

-  Adding A Little Of That NGARNZ Styles To Our Rides

-  Next Season  Rotated Saturday and Sunday Rides

-  More Gravel Road Rides for our Ride Group Members

-  Inhouse Training and assistance for our Ride Group Members

-  Taking our Gravel Riders to VISIT Your Town

-  AWAY Adventure Riding most Public Holidays - family catered for with scenic viewing
   whilst partners attend our adventure rides

-  Additional Three Day Adventure Riding Weekends

-  Ride Group Merchandise Available for sale over our Next Season

-  NEW Season Wallet Membership Cards that FIT into your WALLET 

-  Producing your membership CARDS to attend our rides on Registration morning

-  We may even look to host a JIMZ GARAGE session and will put out a varying topic
   for these sessions  -  this will only be available to our Ride Group Members and all
   will be expected to take part and participate

As A Ride Group Member  if you have anything that you would like for us to add to our schedule please forward your thoughts through to us for our consideration

A big thank you to our Supporters:

Cyclespot Euro 

Spectro Oil

Metzeler/Dunlop tyres

Shoei/Dri Rider

Corban Revell Lawyers

This Week's Winning CycleSpot Euro Voucher Winners:

Nic -  For achievement in the Space of JUST ONE Weeek
Koray  -  That small bike does you proud - Keep up the very good work
Al - for his excellence in Capturing Those MAGIC Photography snaps and having The EYE for details when they present themselves


The winner of This Week's  Spectro Oil Pack and Filter was awarded to Lewis


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Off Road Adventure Training Sessions 19th November 2012


"O F F     R O A D      A D V E N T U R E       TRAINING" SESSIONS -   NGARNZ now hosts our very OWN Sessions -  Tailored to Your Personal Requirements at a more "ONE on ONE level"

We will look to open our NEW SEASON of 2013 - 2014  -

By Popular Demand - We have been asked to have Jim D take and conduct a small group through a LEVEL 1 training experience.  This course will be designed for those either "NEW" to riding Gravel Roads, or those just looking to hone skills and improve on existing skills, along with confidence building over those looser surfaces.    To be able to offer you that more "ONE on ONE experience" we will take 5 riders for each of our LEVEL 1 sessions.  The first of these will commence early February 2013. 

Father and son Team of Jim and Tim Denham attending
a Kiwi Rider 500 Adventure Ride Many Many Moons Ago, 
I remember the colours on that T that Jim is
wearing   vividly
For more on Jim's skills and abilities view our website link below,  and make a list of what you wish to be covered on your ONE on ONE session with Jim.  Jim has an off road background covering both trail and enduro events spanning well over 35 years.  Jim  has amassed his own collection of trinkets over this time.  Our VAULT has been OPENED, and we now showcase to you some of these awards.
Off Road Adventure Training hosted by Jim D and our Inhouse Team of Highly skilled Adventure Riders     Jim has now explored and tapped into many new areas on both his F800 GS and also his KTM690 Adventure bike.  Having personally hosted this Ride Group over a Season now, we have amassed a wealth of adventure riding that we has been bought to our Ride Group Members over the past season.  We now look to also host our very own Inhouse Off Road Adventure Training Sessions and will personally look to cater for more of our New entrants to our Ride Group.

Jim parked up and assisting Jess up a short but steep pumice bank - Taking our TWO big F800's and exploring some pumice tracks and trails out at Rangitikei - It's just what our big bikes are made for -  JESS -  This is all about "Momentum Is Your Friend" - "One Very Famous Statement" - I am slowly learning this,  but   on another quote - It won't happen overnight Sue  but it will happen????  This statement seems to be bandied around quite a lot lately????   :)
Jim enjoys exploring stream beds with his F800 - you can see that back wheel has cleared a very good path  for those following - Stunning Riverbed and stunning scenery ------
ABS on     ABS off -  Another AGE OLD Question
and one that was asked of us at our recent
Waikaretu Adventure Ride on the 10th
November - For more on this dilemma for some,
but confirmed for others,  bring these
queries and questions along with you
Along with our LEVEL 1 more "ONE on ONE" training,  we have had offers from many skilled trail and enduro riders who have also amassed a wealth of Awards between them,  and we have for this Season accepted One of these offers.  WE will be working alongside a TEAM of highly skilled Professionals and will bring to those who have attended our LEVEL 1 training - a LEVEL 2 session.  NEW CONCEPTS and NEW IDEAS - all of our events/training is suitable for ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF BIKES.  Our events and/or training we do not distinguish any ONE certain make and model of bike.  WE now have much diversity amongst us,  and a true testament to what makes for our Ride Group to be so very well received by those in attendance at our rides.  

     <<<<<The Trophy Vault of both Jim and Tim Denham         has been      O P E N E D  >>>>>

Just SOME of our trophy collection from many competitive events spanning from over 35 years of both trail and enduro riding events

Waikaretu Adventure
 Incoming - Pictures from Graeme - Recapturing our EPIC Waikaretu Adventure

  Graeme has captured scenes from our Waikaretu Adventure Ride held recently on Saturday the 10th.  These will prove to bring back some very pleasant memories for those who attended our Tour here.  Graeme felt 'guilty' for his non-attendance in the stream bed, along with our fellow assistants, pictured here,  but on reflection,  - We say "PLEASE" Graeme,  Don't Feel Guilty!  We appreciate what you have "Captured"  so very well.

Many thanks to all of our Ride Group attendees for forwarding photos and vid clips through to us so that we could upload these for every ones personal enjoyment.  Keep them coming,  if you see a photo of yourself enjoying one of our rides,  you may mail me and I am more than happy to forward a pic through to you.

Many Makes and Models of Bikes and ALL enjoying the stunning views - the cameras were out  (we have indeed become a camera snappy group - excellent)
Go Dougie,  Wow,  when I first met Dougie  the DR650 never spread "THIS" much around

NEVER far from any ACTION that I can remember,  Mark takes the KTM and ploughs across

A big thanks to DAVE for joining us -  Paramedic duty duly taken care of

"OVERLAND" - The camera has captured "The Long And Winding Road" - "That Leads Us To" .....  Gorgeous shades of green

====**********Movie Time**********====

This week we feature our 10th November Waikaretu Adventure Ride - We now have available at least 10 Movie Clips detailing our Journey at Waikaretu -  This may need to be kept for those Xmas holidays that will soon be upon us all.  I will only post 4 on our weekly edition of Gravel Newz,  on our website I have posted 4 clips to each page, to make it easier for the opening of each web page.  Movie Clips do consume some space.  Expect at least three pages on our website to be able to house our footage.

Episode Number One Waikaretu Adventure Ride

Episode Number Two

Episode Number Three

Episode Number Four

Above we have shared Episodes number One - Four  -  Below is the link for our web page that houses Episodes Number Five - Eight

Our very last remaining Episodes will be completed at a later date during the coming week for viewing

- NGARNZ  Xmas T Competition -
     Here we have asked an "Age-Old Question" Which Needs To Be Answered: - "What Is On An Adventure Riders Wish List For Xmas"???

If YOU would like to take part in this small competition,  mail me your thoughts and we will include them onto the many answers that we have received,  we will choose our Winning Answer and publish in our Xmas edition of Gravel Newz
mail with your answer to the above question - remember,  we are looking for that something that we feel is unique.

WE will run through our received answers to date and ponder on what we feel to be a most unique gift idea -

  Names will not be revealed on incoming answers,  but we will announce our winner closer to Xmas and a unique NGARNZ T shirt will be mailed out to our winning entrant:

So far,  we have:   1)  -   Yes, this shows up BLANK<  but  hit >>PLAY BUTTON and you might quite like this,  it certainly provides a very novel approach for   INCOMING<<<

Next we have    2)  -    "Not a tent – too obvious, and anyway I’ve already got one, having done a bit of tent touring already.  Sleeping bag – check. Small single-burner gas stove – check (that would be a good present, actually)  No, my vote for the sensible is to give one of those self-inflating air mattresses (I’ve got one) to give elderly and aching bones a better night’s sleep. Trust me on this one!   

For the less “sensible” – a tiny 12V fridge to keep the beer cold!


If you haven't got a copy of the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook by Chris Scott get yourself a copy     They have just released the 6th edition and mine arrived this week. It is an amazing and inspirational book and if you don't have one I am sure you will love it.

AND yet more..................................
  I just need time and money but I guess lots of money would allow me to have lots of free time

 Sidecar on the KLR650 for Chauncey the Wonder Dog

New boots would do me, but a trip through South America would be not be sneezed at either

 A BMW F800GS, KTM 990 Adventure R, or a Husqvarna 650 Terra…

I was naughty so I'll likely get some coal, but since you're asking: A top end rebuild, fresh gas tank and a new map.

A little more time to ride would be fine, but new bike gear would do it either.