Monday, 25 March 2013

King Country to Central North Island 16th/17th March 2013


King Country to Central North Island  
      March 16th/17th 2013

"ON TOP of The World" - Georgeous Panoroma Stretching Out Before Us
Gorgeous pic captured by Mike

"King Country",  offering stunning panoramic views.  Saturday, and the weather turned it on for us.  Clear, blue skies, and extremely dusty ground conditions. 

Meet Jimz "NEW Best Friend" - "Meanwhile Down On The Farm" - and this poor chap received much needed assistance from The Adventure Riders - STUCK so fast inside
of a gorse bush - Our NEW SHEEPIE Friend - lives to see another day
(FROM the X FILES of Northern Gravel AND ADVENTURES)     :)

Re-Grouping and a BRIEF break from THE DUST


Website Maintenance of NGARNZ Website

NGARNZ Website is currently under Reconstruction - Our Website now is growing FULL to capacity with the very many New and Varied Places that we have taken our Adventure Riders to visit.  Please bring YOUR cameras when attending our rides, as we will keep photos to a minimum over future journeys, to minimise File Spacing on our website.  

NEW Website Photo Gallery Selection of Pics

Due to the now overwhelming amount of photos accumulated over the many journeys we have now prepared and planned,  each quarter we will place a pic crop selection on the NGARNZ Website as reminders of the many adventures we have all shared.


A Couple of Possible Planned Date Changes

With most of our rides scheduled to run on Saturdays,  we will now look to alter a couple of our forthcoming rides to be Sunday Rides.

Mystery Route Sheet Adventure Ride now ReScheduled to SATURDAY the 11th May 2013
Mother's Day Lays Claim to Sunday the 12th May,  so we will reschedule this once again
to Saturday the 11th May
     Entries will be closed off strictly for this Mystery Adventure as we have maps
to print off and route sheets to organise for those registered to attend.
Entries close off 05th May - No Entries will be taken after this date.

Along with this,   our WAIPU FOREST Tour originally scheduled for Saturday 15th June,
we will look to reschedule this to Sunday 16th June.   Details finalised for this Forest Tour within the next couple of weeks.


Satuday 20th April - NEW "AWHITU" Surf and Turf

Entries close for this Event on April 15th - NO Entries will be taken after this date.

Visit and TOUR EIGHT Private AWHITU Properties - We take you OVERLAND and Explore AWHITU as you have NOT seen this area before - Lunch included and served by local AWHITU Residents

Overland Adventure Bike Training Saturday the 06th April 2013


* * * * *  E A S T E R * * * * *   2013
Happy EASTER everyone



Our future AWAY rides,  we will look to
minimise our numbers.  This will help to assist us
with the ontime planning and ease of
accommodation availability.  We have found in some areas accommodation can be minimal.  If you wish
to attend our AWAY rides in future, please
be early to register your booking, as we may make a smaller amount of pre-booked accommodation.  Overflow accommodation may have to be your choice with what may be available. Many of our
NEW   AWAY rides we will post accommodation
links for you to make your accommodation
choice selection, along with meals etc.  We will
provide The Adventure!!!


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Adventures from Land to The Seas April to May 2013

Saturday 06th April - Taking Your Adventure Bike "OVER THE LAND" - designed for "LEVEL 1" Ride Attendees ONLY

"NEW" to taking your Adventure Bike "Over The Land" - We Will Teach You How - 
 Riding DOWN Rolling Hillsides
Taking it UP Those Bigger Hills,  Riding 4 x 4 tracks,  Entering and Exiting Culverts
This course designed and tailored towards "LEVEL 1" Ride Attendees Only and will only be a SMALL GROUP focus - Registration Forms NOW AVAILABLE

Saturday 20th April - "NEW" Surf and Turf - AWHITU - Where Land Meets The Seas

Take a visit over 8 Private Property Blocks - We will take you "Over The Land" to meet the "SEAS"  at various points over our time here at the most gorgeous "AWHITU"
"Where The Land Meets The Seas" - is what we have factored in here at "AWHITU"
I don't think you will have seen "AWHITU" in this way before??

Saturday 04th May - Kaipara/South Head Adventure Bike Ride 
Visit and tour Several Private Property Blocks,  incorporates  lunch "FARMSIDE"
Stunning Coastal based properties

Saturday 30th March - Taranaki Tunnel Touring - Entries Closing NEXT WEEK

This Tour visits "SEVERAL Private Property Stations" along with the Many fine Metal Roads running through the interior that leads out to those Tunnels


NOW SATURDAY 11th May - "NEW" - "An Adventurers Guide To The Best Of The West" - Self Guided Mystery Adventure, incorporating a visit to a FARM of a very different kind,  along with a SCENIC Block that offers stunning Coastal Views

Starting at Our FIRST Checkpoint,  Navigate yourself around our course and find Many Checkpoints over YOUR Day,   Factor in a visit to a very DIFFERENT FARM,  along with a UNIQUE COASTAL PRIVATE PROPERTY.  Enter as a Single Rider,  or as Part Of a 5 Man TEAM.  Photo your TEAM or YOUR BIKE at EACH Checkpoint,  Mail in Pix to NGARNZ H Q for  your chance to win one of Our Spot Prizes,  "THE POT OF GOLD" WILL BE DIVIDED INTO PIECES.  PLAY FOR your SHARE of OVER $700 worth of Spot Prizes!!!

Stunning COASTAL PROPERTY  - Take a JOURNEY OVERLAND or just wander and take in some UNIQUE Coastal Views - We feel certain you have NOT ridden your bikes here!!  Entrants will be given gate times,  and assistants will be stationed here to ensure gates are locked after riders visits
This Mystery Adventure is suitable for ALL Levels of Ride Ability - With the compliments of Jim D (Farm Agility Test = Score yourself MORE points towards the prize selection)   Combination of seal/gravel and optional Farm Tour


Monday, 4 March 2013

HOME and AWAY - NGARNZ Takes it Home and Away


Leonard and The Big F800 Journeys Through The Lost Forest
  Arriving and taking the OVERLAND Journey from "Awakino to Aria" - 22 Adventure seeking Warriors found themselves plunged into the depths of "These Lands That Time Has Seemingly Passed By" -  One can almost feel the very essence of that "Lost World" - memories of a "Jurassic Park Adventure Tour" not too far from the minds of.............................   Those who took this tour will be left with these thoughts we are sure!!!

Dabbling In Those Stream Crossings

NGARNZ Supporter Prizes:

  Too many POSSIBLE winning candidates lined up at our evening dining at The Awakino Hotel,  those steaks were being fired out and rapidly enjoyed whilst my mind was ticking over with thoughts of the MANY participants who most definately were well deserving of an Award.   Mulling over these thoughts decisions made:

Getting to KNOW JOHN - Where John Does NOT go and WHAT John Does NOT get up to would astound - Taking in John's wealth OR knowledge and sharing in John's politcal views,  we applaude you John,  WELL done,  you are a true testament to all of us with your wealth of knowledge and skills

SPECTRO OIL PACK PRIZE: - Duly awarded to a most deserving candidate - John.  John joins us from the NAKI region,  and WHERE John does "NOT" go, or has "NOT: been would be a VERY good one indeed.  For displaying talents Over and ABove the NORM, we duly award you this prize pack.  Getting to know John,  one has an appreciation of his very forthright views and appreciations,     (MANY I happen to share as well as)  UNCANNY..............   Fellow Adventure Rider BERNARD,  quick for a comment,  thoughts flashback,,,,,,   "With The Pope leaving Office",  "Should John be on the Nomination List for this position"???  To be able to answer this question,  chat to John,  and listen to His Views and Thoughts.  They will either "Be The Right Fit For You",   or "KNOCK you flat".  He has MY vote,  as I believe this is ballot delivered.  Keem em coming.  I cannot wait to see what we shall debate on over our next visit AWAY someplace?? 

Leonard NEW to NGARNZ and NEW to Adventure Motorcycle Riding
His enjoyment on his big adventure bike clearly evident here

CYCLESPOT EURO PRIZE VOUCHERS: -  Our vouchers we duly split to allocate to JUST three of our Ride Attendees.  Voucher Number One awarded to NEW Ride Group attendee Leonard for displaying Above Average skills over this adventure tour.  NEW to NGARNZ and NEW to this form of motorcycle adventure riding;  total amazement has been spoken about by many.  Just recently Leonard also attended his very first Level 1 Adventure Training Day at RiverHead Forest.  The antics displayed by this gentleman on the day of our training, has certainly added to our amazement of this gent and his ability to handle his big adventure bike, both on and off the road.  Well done Leonard,  and welcome to NGARNZ.  The Awakino Hotel had also donated TWO bottles of VINO to be awarded as prizes also.  Leonard's return oration to us on his prize award left me standing there with my hand on the bottleneck of Vino Bottle Number ONE.  It had found its first home.   It really is all about people like this that make what we have here so very special,  and so worthwhile to provide for our Ride Group Members.  Those big and extremely tender beef steaks were going down well and were enjoyed by the group immensely.   Thanks to onsite CHEF Craig, and of course the homebaked Apple Crumble duly baked by CHEF Margaret

Our DUO who have joined us now on very MANY Adventure Tours

Voucher Number Two: "I am LOST for WORDS":    yes,  always good to give you all a slight laugh,  but here we must make mention to Dean and pillion rider Bev.  Thanks so very much guys for the very kind offer of conducting Tail End Charlie for our Group of Adventure Seeking Warriors.  A most important role and position,  and one that is highly underrated.  Having an extremely competant and skilled Adventure Person/s  (NO<  NOT ONE>>>>>   BUT DUO) to attend to Wants and Needs at the REAR of our group,  is an extremely important position,  and one that we cannot possibly manage without.   What can be said about BEV???  well winner of our Xmas T Competition Award Winning Question,  Bev brings a bright and bubbly personality to our Group,  and we love to have her along for the ride.  Dean, well Bev has THAT NAILED, and is in Full Control of the helm  (from pillion to master at helm) :)   I simply love it.

WOW,  check out The LEG out the side of That Big Adventure Bike,    WARNING WARNING   Do Not Ride Behind This Big Adventure Bike,  The Power of The Mighty 1200cc Tenare  flicks it about,   A Dusty Gravel Rider and
a workout was duly received.  Well done to you Michael,  and WELCOME to NGARNZ

Voucher Number Three:   Also joining NGARNZ as a New Rider this 2013 Season,  we welcome Michael and the big 1200cc Tenare.  Phew,   great work out done by Michael over this weekend.  The big 1200cc Tenare Works It Out Hard.  Michael joined us for our Puhoi Gravel Road Ride,  January of this New Season.  New to taking his Big Adventure Bike Off The Road,  we are also amazed.  The talent and skill of our Adventure Riders is Out There for all to View.  The Big Bike handled all terrain with ease and I think Michael stated on Sunday that he KNOWS he has arms attached to his shoulders.  This was well evident by The Sunday morning.  A work out was had by bike and rider balike.  Well done Michael.  You handled That Big Bike admirably,  and demonstrated excellent skills also.

Herez Looking at YOU Kid>>>>>>>>
WE Snapped YOU ALSO!!!

The similarities all just tooo good  -  I simply HAD TO!!!!

Tim Denham home in Auckland to give the DR650 a
humble workout and snap our footage for us - thanks Tim


*****M O V I E  
   T I M E***** 

Now screening inside of your very own Adventure Riders Cinema - PrimeTime TV will never seem the same after this viewing>>>>>

From Riverhead to Waimauku to Makarau to Helensville to South Head and An Adventure is born...

With the Nationwide FireBan currently in place,  forestry Managers are on high alert with the threat of fire danger to forests. 

  The current very warm weather has meant many clubs have had to cancel their advertised events.    Our Adventure Riders still wishing for some form of Adventure here at home,  Jim and I set to work putting something a little different into place rather than our usual gravel road ride.  A few interesting Off Road Sections were added into the mix here,  along with touring several local Private Property Blocks.  WE are sure our NEW Local Adventure was well received,  if the numbers in attendance were anything to go by.................
A WET Start to our Adventure Dampened the plans of the
   Meeting at the local BP Kumeu we were met early morning by blackened skies??   NEC MINUTE the black blanket overhead cloaked us in its wrap and we all suddenly realised........  WET WEATHER GEAR????  WHAT WET WEATHER GEAR.......     It was quite funny - the tone of the  (NO SHEER ASTONISHMENT - comments from "ROY" - "THE WEATHER person has gotten it all so wrong yet again".   Where did Those Jacket Linings Disappear To??     This hit our group completely unexpected,  and it was a PHENOMENA that we all had not experienced in quite sometime.  ONE of our Ride Group Attendees  just happened to come prepared with The Rain Outer  (no names mentioned here, but we know WHO YOU ARE,  well done!!).   The rest of us were left with the realisation we were now going to become Drenched Adventure Riders.....  NO wet weather liners and NO wet outers.   I guess we shall now have to change tac on those "Don't Leave Home Without It Essentials" yet again.  It looks like our weather is on the turn again.

  Jim had scoured the surrounding local neighbourhood to fast put together something "That Little Bit Different" for our Riders,   and in the dry conditions  this was absolutely perfect.  Only the day before our ride I was left marvelling at MY accomplishments as I rode my DR650 through some of our new off road sections.   A good dumping of the wet stuff quickly altered my perceptions of yesterday and today I enjoyed a standard,  but very decent gravel road journey along with many of my Adventure Seeking individuals.  It was not too long before the climate resumed its norm of what we have come to know over the past few months,  and once again we were sweltering away, the ABSENCE of jacket liners not even an issue!!  WE altered our Ride Plans due to this unexpected wet dumping and we toured the local surrounds as we waited for the conditions to become dry again.

A good lunch at the Helensville Art Stop Cafe and we were now ready to TOUR our Farm Properties.  

INCOMING:   *****M O V I E   T I M E***** 

 New Cinema Now Available............

Next Ride Notification: Taumarunui to National Park 16th/17th March

  Taranaki Tunnel Tour 30th/31st


 Level 1 Taking Your Adventure Bike Over The Land

For those "NEW" to Taking YOUR Adventure Bike Over The Land

Your MemberShip Cards: 

For those who have NOT yet collected their membership cards from me,  please mail me with your updated address details,  and I will do a MASS mail out of The New Season Cards,  that do fit into our wallets this season.  As many of our Ride Group Members have recently moved or are planning to move,  I require updated details.