Monday, 29 July 2013

Coromandel Peninsula and An Adventure Bike Tour 21st July 2013

THIS  SUMMARY has been compiled by RIDE LEADER -  Jim Denham         

   SATURDAY and OUR Weekend Begins - Our day begins here as we familiarise ourselves with forestry tracks close to Opoutere.   A shame our day was marred by constantly incoming drizzle.  It was present for the duration here.

Prior to the completion of our day,  I decided to also introduce Sue to our (well pictured) stream crossing to determine  if it was do able? Good idea,   as we had so many Riders to get through this route on the Sunday.  The Big KTM990 rolled through nicely,   as the trusty Suzuki DR650 was working out a line of ATTACK on the far embankment.   With a little bit of coaxing,  Sue pushed the front end of the DR650 and rolled her into the downhill rocky stream,  but lost momentum which was enough to cause slight panic!!   Right FOOT was OUT and connecting with the slippery rocks she lost balance and fell in!!   CLEAN OVER!!  

 Lunging towards the back end of the DR650,  I quickly righted the bike and rode her out.   A lucky break that the engine was still going as the end of the exhaust was under water,     YIKES!!  After that excitement we concluded our visit and headed to our overnight accommodation in Tairua.

After overnight rain Sunday dawned fine and cool at around 6 degrees. We headed to the morning meet up point at Hikuai to be greeted by a mass of cars, trailers and bikes.  What a great sight all together in one place.

JIM and our NGARNZ TEAM in attendance
Our Gate Keeper JOHN was kept extremely busy
Oliver Keeps It All Together and Is  A Dab Hand at Those Signs
Camera Man Danny Shoots It All For us To Enjoy After
Dean and Bev PILLION Officials as TEC's in Long Standing Attendance
Marshall MIKIE - Guru of the R & M Variety
 Our Ride begins and enmasse we then all proceeded to our first forestry section 7 km’s away from the start.  The Forestry trails are beckoning to us and our Adventure begins  



Excitement,  however,  we had amongst the group gravel sprayers/flickers that put a damper on the ride for some. When in close proximity to other riders we do not condone this action in any way and ask that riders be more careful when passing other riders. Changes will be put into place for our future rides to avoid this occurrence happening again.   Marshals/Riders will only proceed to the front if they can pass other riders safely during the ride, or will join to the front again when we are stopped to regroup.

We have implemented A NEW SYSTEM of using the SMALL SIGN to signal 
1 - Challenge Section      OR
2 - No Exit Road.  This System worked VERY well, so we will
     continue to use this.
 C    Sign    Meaning Challenge Section Ahead
OPTIONS - Either wait here OR proceed to do the Challenge Section
E    SIGN   Meaning No Exit Road Ahead 
OPTIONS Proceed Forwards OR  Wait there knowing the group will be coming back this way
Thanks to Oliver on the day for making this work for us.
 Our Corner Man system worked extremely well on the day, Thanks to all who participated in this.

 Camera Man in attendance - Thanks to Danny on the DRZ400 for shooting us all - Your efforts have kept many amused AFTER THE EVENT and will give viewing pleasure to many that did not manage to attend along with Whanau

Long Standing Tail End Charlie's in Attendance - Dean and Bev - Regulars amongst us -

Those T's - New Supporters to join NGARNZ we present Embroidery Plus (NZ)  Amongst their many talents they specialise in the customised design of T's that Are Out There!!!

  Comments received to me at Registration when presenting Adventurers their NEW Customised T ....... (THAT MUST HAVE BEEN DESIGNED BY A MAN)!!!


Those Stream Crossings

THE STREAM CROSSING was a successful inclusion to our trail, with all riders getting through admirably. To our more seasoned and hardcore riders amongst us - THE STREAM CROSSING was unnoticeable.  Adding these titbits into the Mix adds to the Adventure for most.

     ROADSIDE FARKLES and MIKIE -  We had a KTM 990 with a punctured rear tyre just after the stream crossing, and thanks to Marshal Mike, he had this repaired for the rider.  The tread depth on the rear tyre of the BIG 990 was marginal at best,   and is a signal to riders that if you want to decrease the risk of punctures your tyres should have plenty of tread on them which will aid in getting more grip on offroad surfaces as well.

  The lunch at Tairua was great and all for 10 BUCKS, thanks to Sue for arranging this 

 MY DECISION MADE during the day that we weren’t going to have enough time to include all the trails we had preridden so had to shorten the ride somewhat to get everyone through. We had planned to show the group the entrance to a mineshaft(hence the torch reference) and also wide views overlooking Opoutere beach and Whangamata inlet but these will have to wait for another day. 

We are planning a revisit here possibly early next year when conditions are drier to take in more terrain including overland trails and will probably look to make it a 2 day ride so participants and supporters can take in what the Coromandel has to offer.


If you attended our Coromandel Adventure Bike Tour and would like a pic of You and Your Adventure Bike,  mail us and forward the number below Your Wish Pic and we will forward this through to you.

Before We Leave our Coromandel Adventure Section
Sue shares "HER" Saturday of Adventure
  The Gate was Unlocked and the KTM990 and the DR650 rolled through the entranceway.  Parking up and preparing for Jim to relock the piped gate again,  the ROAR of an offroad 4 x 4 utility vehicle suddenly flew up the gravel road towards us,  and came to a rapid halt directly in front of our bikes.  (No Place to Go,,,,,    I Have You Now........)        
  The gent stepped out from his    
 vehicle and proceeded to walk towards us.  I could see by looking at the vehicle that this was a patrolled Security Vehicle.  'JAFFAS'  hmmmm  this is going to be good!!!!

  'JAFFAS - We had invaded the Coro -  A big grin greeted us from the gent as he was now standing face to face with us.  "My Xmas Has Come All Over Again" he said jokingly to the two of us as he now began to question us as to WHY we happened to be inside of private forestry sporting "TWO                                                     MotorCycles"????   

  Handing over our Permitted Access Slip Jim began to detail the Nature of our intended access along with Who We Were and What our given intentions were. Our Security Gent became a slight bit happier to be face to face with us now.  To further this happiness we then stated our Access Preparations and how we conducted ourselves inside of private land access areas.  Relief,  the inquisition was OVER and all was good. 

A nice meaty looking dog was tucked away inside of the ute and I was pleased he enjoyed the company of indoors.....        


 By now we were conversing more pleasantly,  and we were treated to a nice little story re The Capture of his recent and highly Illegally Trespassed MotorCyclists.  The Group had been CAPTURED inside of this Area  and the replay of this account made for electric listening.  So very pleased Jim and I not the prisoners to this story............................... 
 Note:  Security Patrols are REGULAR occupants to Private Forestry Areas due to the spate of very  poor and deviant behaviour bestowed upon these Areas.
This dealt with and The Gates firmly locked behind us,  we were now F R E E to continue to embark upon our further mapping of a few additional trails here, and to organise The Mid Rangers Route.   Jim details to ME which way is WEST.....................

AS we proceeded down the trails a few kilometres into our Journey,  Jim detailed for me to continue and to station myself at the NEXT Sign Posted Area. 

Reaching this and enjoying the peace and quiet that these areas ultimately offer,   I was now enjoying a nice cool sip from my water bottle.  OOPS  NO WATER IN THE WATER BOTTLE DORIS......    Leak Syndrome to my Newly Purchased Water Bottle from the local store had caused my nourishing liquid to extinguish itself throughout my Top Box....  Oh well combined with wet gears and a parched throat....    Adventures aplenty!!
 From out of the clearing behind me came Three Pig Hunters along with their fine collection of Three Hunting Dogs,  all fitted with remote transmitter collar attachments.  The Hunters appeared to be quite disturbed and informed me on approaching me that one of their very valuable dogs was seriously Lost. 

The NEW R/T's that we have now purchased for our future reccie missions were put to good use and I managed to signal Jim to Base (felt so very funny "OVER AND OUT 10 FOUR GOOD BUDDIE IN TO BASE")  hilarious in fact.....   But they served their purpose and the Big KTM990 rumbled through the clearing and was upon us.
It was decided that Jim would passenger our Hunter around to the nearest high lookout point to secure a stronger remote signal to be able to head the lost dog away from veering towards the wrong destination inside of this particular forestry block.    This proved unsuccessful and The Lads were now formulating NEW plans.  Reformulated, and our NEW plans to exit out through another section devised.  It was decided to determine whether the signals could be reached from a higher vantage point.

 The boys decided that I would continue forwards with my direct route, and I was to exit via another block and wait for the boys to head back around.  As I neared my allotted destination I was joined by a couple of hikers that had enjoyed a two hour jaunt and they were in turn accompanied by a NEW Companion.  Awsome,  our lost canine companion was now alongside  with us and was we could feel the animal's nervousness and anxiety.  The lost dog was now with us and once again,  the R/T came into play.  Jim along with his passenger,  and also the other two companions now all joined us back at MY GATED EXIT POINT. 
  ONE extremely good finish to my DAY here inside of this forestry block.  It felt incredibly good to see the lost dog reunited with his owners.  The hunters informed us that many lost Pig Dogs wander out of remote areas, and are ultimately picked up by NON OWNERS and are then ultimately Lost Forever.  So my story here has a happy ending and our hunters were incredibly thankful to both of us.  I felt so very proud to have been able to have been of assistance.  Not to mention Adventure PLUS for me it all was!!

Moving on,  and at the beginning of Ride Leader Jim's surmation of My Uneventful brief Splash Session at Said Stream Crossing.....   Well I would like to detail my version of how this came about...
The mighty KTM990 did indeed roll on through with a swift vengeance,  turbulence and froth swished about as it pulled up onto the embankment on the opposite side from me.  Wondering which line might be best for the proud and LOWERED DR650 I was guided by Jim over what seemed The Line to Run With.  So  Run With It I did and I rolled the DR650 front wheel into the wet.....    hmmm  I seemed to have lost momentum,  and remembering vividly that momentum was MY FRIEND....   from many countless sessions back   I once again rolled open the throttle with TOOO MUCH of a vengeance....  The DR650 enjoyed the brief spurt and I surged forwards and momentarily lost balance.  THE FOOT WAS OUT...  yes, right foot sprung into action to counterbalance and connected with tallish, wet and very slippery rock.   The FOOT slipped clean off and over we went.   DOWN JIM  yes All The Way DOWN.....   The Hand was out and Jim lunged towards the back end of the humble DR650 as she went DOWN......   Exhaust U N D E R  and smoke and steam hissing out from the machine...   Oh Dear came to mind,  and I was indeed left wondering as to whether she would like to proceed forwards again,  or whether we would have to roll her out of the forest and back into civilisation???  


This Edition of Gravel Newz would not be quite complete if we did not add into the mix this renditon of FINE PRIME TIME Viewing from Northland Rider Karl.  Here Karl offers up some light hearted Therapy as our intrepid Adventurer invites you to take a journey with him travelling along Those Roads Less Travelled. 
We hope this Edition of Gravel NEWZ will offer YOU that small slice of Therapy!!   Gravel Newz just would not seem quite complete.
   WE think extremely well edited,  one Intelligent Spin on those sections,  ps  take a look at the Adventure Rider BEHIND The Cam -   te he  it's all Out There -  GO KARL - YOU ROCK....  (Sorry it just CAME to me after I Watched YOUR offering)...all will be revealed once you have watched this little offering........
                                 Put those feet up,  go on,  you know you want to...

COMPUTER WORRIES - OH NO, not again!!!

We have heard that some of you are having trouble opening our Ride Brief Attachments, so we will standardise the format that we send out to you.    
The attachments will be sent as PDF’s as this format is the most commonly used. You will need Adobe reader installed on your device to open these files.
Click here for the download of this if you haven’t already got it.

Contacting us via our Contact Form:    It has been bought to our attention on Several Occasions now that our Contact Form appears to be non submitting.  WE have raised this with our Web Hosts on Many Occasions now,  and our reply back to us is that our Contact Form is indeed SLOW TO LOAD.  If in doubt,  PRESS THAT BUTTON SEVERAL TIME,  IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL FOR ME TO RECEIVE UP TO 5 ENTRIES    (Case Files Of - NO NAMES TO BE MENTIONED)        

My NEW System that I will implement, will be that when you submit a query re our Adventure Events,  I will mail with CONFIRMED and let you know that we have received your Submission.  Should you not hear from me in a timely manner   (YES,  UNUSUAL  -  correct  answer  :)    )  Email me and I will raise this issue yet again.  Over the Xmas Holiday Period NGARNZ will be closed for the Xmas and New Year Holiday Season and will recommence early February as per our Season last year.  This time will be spent wisely,  NO,  NOT BY HUSBAND JIM who will not doubt be on BOYS ADVENTURES yet again down
S O U T H !!!



Coming up on Sunday 18th of August we have another forestry/gravel road tour taking in some new riding areas within ONE hour North of Auckland.
The ride will start and finish North West Auckland and will include another unique lunch stop dining experience.  Exact locations and details will be mailed to Registered/Paid Participants closer to the date of this planned Adventure. 

There will be some challenge sections offered to riders in the morning so if you want to do these, knobblies on your bike are advised. If not riding challenge sections, tyres that can cope with gravel road riding are fine.

Your Entry to this Adventure Bike Journey covers a Two Course Set Lunch along with access to Privately Owned Lands.
For Our Gravel Road Riders  

Mikie will be Running his NOW Famous Puhoi Gravel Road Ride
           Saturday the 24th August
           Meet up Time 9am BP Kumeu
           1 Day Guide Led Gravel Road Ride

          Mike's FAMOUS Puhoi Gravel Road Ride
           Meets at 9am BP Kumeu
           Stops for lunch at Puhoi Cheese Factory

         2 Groups will be running - Group 1 - Exp
                                                         Group 2 - Novice to Intermediate
Dean and Bev will be hosting their very first Nikau Caves Café
   Saturday 28th September
   Meet up 9:30am BP Bombay
   2 Groups will be running - Group 1 - Exp
                                                   Group 2 - Novice to Intermediate
Saturday 05TH October: Level 1 Adventure Bike Training
Our Last Training Session for this 2013 Season will be held Saturday the 05th October at RiverHead Forest.  We have geared this Course towards Novice to Intermediate and we will run through exercises appropriate to your continued enjoyment with your Adventure Bike.  A Form will be sent to those looking to participate in this Course. 
We will look to tailor exercises suitable to your needs and these will be included in our Course.   We will look to include a Level 1 Adventure Course also.  We expect our Course to run from 9am to approx. 2pm, Jim Says - As Long As It Takes!!!

We have secured Saturday Night Accommodation along with Saturday Evening Three Course Dining and also Breakfast on the Sunday morning. 
This Adventure commences Whangarei and will conclude on the Sunday Morning at Maungaturoto.  Your Ride Package will include Twin Share Accommodation along with Saturday dining and Sunday morning breakfast.   Entry Forms available within the coming week.  Option to book a FULL Room along with a Double available also.
  Saturday/Sunday 27TH/28th October Labour Weekend Adventure Gizzy South Ranges: 

NEW and NOT ridden by NGARNZ before here we take you over NEW Ride Terrain as we  journey through Private Stations along with Private Forestry.  

Your Ride Package for this weekend will include Saturday and Sunday Accommodation Gisborne based, along with These Two nights dining and also breakfast on the Sunday and Monday morning.

This Adventure commences and also concludes from Taupo.  Further details will be forwarded to Registered/Paid Ride Attendees.

Saturday/Sunday      23rd/24th NovemberNGARNZ Xmas Break up Ride - This will be the ONE we go out With and promises to be another goodie!!!


Work will resume to finalise this forthcoming Taupo based Adventure Bike Weekend, and we are sure this will please.  We will take you Overland to Tour and to Explore many private Stations.  Expect ANOTHER crop of pix winging your way in future Gravel Newz Editions as we edge closer to The One That We Will Go Out With.     This will be a BIG offering to YOU to Adventure Riding Community, and one that we are personally putting a lot of time into producing that something quite special. 

Your Ride Package will include access to Many Private Stations/Private Forestry,  along with our PreBooked Three Course dining experience on the Saturday evening.  Whanau welcome to purchase a ticket to join for the Saturday evening dining.  Entry Forms will be available no later than end August for this End Of Year TAUPO Overland Adventure.  Links will be posted for you to book your accommodation to within 5 minutes walking distance from our dining evening.  Prize Giving will conclude here along with random Spot Prize winners for all ticket holders.  Keep watching our web site for further details to attend this Overland Adventure.


And Finally................................

Our aim for this ride group is to take you to the More Out Of The Way Places when conditions allow and to give adventure bike owners varied and different terrain to ride over. It can be daunting for some bike riders stuck in these places by themselves,  however our Ride Group is about ensuring all riders get through the roads/trails with assistance if needed,  or the option to go around and meet the Ride Group back up again where possible.
   See you out on Those Roads Less Travelled,
                                                                 Jim Denham.
                                    ( NGARNZ organiser )
    The NGARNZ TEAM of Supporters