Friday, 11 May 2012

Pureora Forestry Adventure Ride

Sat 05th May - Pureora Adventures

8:00am and it's time to head off out the door.  Our small Taupo property just brimming over with excitement - Seven "Adventure-Seeking" riders have journeyed approx 400kms the afternoon before to meet with more Gravel Riders from around the North Island and prepare to begin our tour - that being to explore 'Pureora Forestry'.  The theme for this Central North-Island based ride was based on sharing a farewell ride for my son Tim Denham and his partner Jess whom have both been instrumental in assisting me from time to time with getting this new club up, running and operating smoothly.  Pureora Forest Park is a 78,000 hectares (190,000 acres)[1] protected area in the North Island of New Zealand. Within its rich rain forest are an abundance of 1,000 year old podocarp trees. It is “recognized as one of the finest rain forests in the world”.[2] Established in 1978, after a series of protests and tree sittings, the park is one of the largest intact tracts of native forest in the North Island and has high conservation value due to the variety of plant life and animal habitats available. New Zealand's largest totara tree is located nearby on private land.   """P U R RR F E C T"""
                                                                On Overload with our Bike Collection!!!
Tim and Jess - We will miss you!!!

Our next stop at 'LakeFront Terrace Service Station' and we welcome more early mng riders ready to take on the first 320kms that was been mapped out for us via Jim Denham (before we break for our luncheon)  EXCITING and we can't wait to get into it!!  We exit, and head out through Taupo township via Poihipi and more back country roads to collect our next handful of Gravel Adventure Riders enroute.  Our group is steadily g r o w i n g!!!  This visit,  it has been wonderful to be joined by more local Taupo and even central North Island residents.
Poihipi and meeting up with locals

Another brief stop before we enter "Pureora" which is a native reserve forestry block.  WE enter via the main trunkline road running dead centre through the block and we are "IN".  Our ride commences with a nice little side diversion running off our main route and "Boys At Play" has been staged.  Prior to this ride the weather has been fine and this has made for nice and very smooth pumice-based grip on those forestry trails and tracks. 
BOYS AT PLAY - will always find a puddle to PLAY IN...................  even though weather has been fine as of late................

Neil and Sharon - oooops Who Is That Squeezed in there?????  New To Us -   and Peace to YOU TO  NORA

And, so NOT to be forgotten amongst this day of Advenure based HERE at Pureora -  (New story will most definately need to be written here for this next exciting episode in "GRAVELL HOPPER" and riding the "LOOSER Stuff",   for my "Next Excerpt" - it has been suggetsed that proposed "TITLE" should read "MUPPET ADVENTURES"......  intriguing indeed,  you will have to stay posted to read all about this one   LOL and as I sit here and reflect Jim Henson's most famous and very creative and imaginative works - that of "FRAGGLE ROCK" and so forth,  aka "ARE WE THERE YET??? I am thinking maybe a good fit for my Next Exciting Instalment coming to only GOOD Blogsites near you........................
"Boys At Play" left Gravell Hopper "Sue"  to (guide??) companion rider Sharon on the small Yamaha 250cc XT 'Out and About' to meet up with another guest rider from Taupo.  I had arranged to meet with him 1pm at our appointed lunch stop - that of 'The Dam Cafe' - and yes it was  indeed 'The Dam Cafe'???   The seconds fast counting down and to NOT keep my guest waiting The G650GS blitzed those trails with theYamaha XT in trail.  I have since heard a mention of 'Gravel Flicker' and this has secretly left me feeling quite 'IMPRESSED'!!.    Phew!! relieved,  thoughts of 'I am also to be meeting with my guest rider and 'ON TIME'......  More details revealed in my next exciting instalment..............................  

OOOh herez looking at YOU  Sharon  -    the small XT looks on NON toooo impressed, but at least our roadside farmer was a goood sort -   hmmmm I say as the two us look lovingly at the small fuel tank he has onboard with him!!!!   Oh yes, "Pureora Adventures" were most definately had  (an Adventure can be made both on or offfff that GPS route)    MY TAKE ANYWAYZ

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