Sunday, 5 May 2013

Adventure OUT WEST - - Another NGARNZ Adventure

Next Saturday 11th May -
An Adventurers Guide To The Best Of The WEst

  "Buy The Ticket and Take The Ride" - This is our "Very FIRST Route Sheet Adventure",         
                                                 This Promises to Be That  "Something Quite Different"

We have made this to be interesting and with a focus to keeping you amused over the day.  Spot Prizes on the day along with competing for your coveted share in the NGARNZ Pot Of Gold.  ps  Sharing answers to our questions may see you OUT of a winning contenders spot.... Be cautious....   AIM TO BE A WINNER............   :) (Good humour intended)

     Guide Yourself Around the Best Of The West - Enter as a Single Rider or join in as part of a NGARNZ Riders Team

Entries close off "This Wednesday" for this "West Auckland" Based Event

Please use our Contact Form to let us know if you will be entering as a Single Rider or competing as part of a NGARNZ TEAM

Maps or Route Sheets will be presented to you inside of an A4 plastic bag or a completed and made up Route Sheet, ready for you to insert inside of your Route Sheet Holder next Saturday morning prior to the commencement of this Event.

Documents will be printed out Thursday of this week for this Event.  Please ensure you
have Registered with us before Wednesday of this week if you wish to take part.

Further details,  aka meet up times and fuel requirements will be mailed to those entered participants.  If unsure as to whether you have registered to attend with us,  please contact us via our Contact Form on the below link:




What to expect?  Where are we headed?  What will we find out on those trails today?

Adventuring "High up into the Hills" on our "FIRST West Farming Station" for the morning, the group came across a  very uncomfortable "LOCAL Resident" that had been trapped for quite some time between this fencing wire.  Riders soon got to work on assisting and freeing the animal.    Our wild deer had sustained quite a nasty wire cut on the hock. 

"Our Adventure Ride Out West"
The widespread and publicised atrocious weather forecast for our planned Adventure on  Saturday, still provided us with ONE very FANTASTIC morning. Unfortunately we had to cancel "ONE" of our featured and most gorgeous coastal properties. This Farm having won a "Prestigious Farming Award". WE managed to replace this with another property that had a large portion of metal tracks/trails running throughout which provided adequate grip for our larger adventure bikes in the event the skies would break lookse on us sooner than expected. Altering our Ride Terrain on Saturday, we will now host an adhoc ride in the future spring/summer months to "Show Case the Private Lands" of our Prestigious Farming Block. It was great to see so many "All Weather" Adventure Bike Riders coming out to play even though the forecast provided us with a most unfavourable outlook.


The day begins with a most gorgeous and fine morning, amidst the sad weather forecast due to descend upon us all.  Jim reads out our mornings Ride Briefing Details before we commence for some Adventures.
Arriving at our FIRST West Farming Station for the morning.  The gates are open and our Adventure Riders are OFF - Adventures AWAIT...... 
Joining Me in Group 2 for this Adventure "Heather" - Second time out and NEW to Adventure Bike Riding.  "WEll done Heather".  The two of us tackled some quite steep hill climbs and both pushed ourselves up the ladder on Saturday.....    WE had a fantastic adventure and were quite proud of our achievements.  One steepish and very corrugated hill offering took us both by surprise,  "Surprise Met HEAD ON"  "Keep the GAS ON was exercised well here",,,,  "Ticked off and on to the Next Surprise",,,...  "NEC Minute Steep and corrugated Decline"....  "and over the bank we go",  rolling these small machines DOWN Steep Banks is completely DO ABLE as we both discovered.  Wow,  what a workout, and what an adventure.  Time for that drink I think!!!
Yes, tracks leading right across the valley.  Amazing views from high atop these big hills.  Adventure Bike riders can just be seen crossing the plains below. 
For Heather and I, our adventures now kicked off to a second level.  Accelerating quickly up one very corrugated hill we came to a sudden halt atop a pile of smooth rocks which had now become embedded underneath the back wheels of the small cc bikes.  Time to clear out the pathways before descending once again. 
Lunch at Helensville and we are headed out towards South Head to take in a further Adventure and coastal views.  The weather is now on the turn. 
Quote/unquote  "THE LAST RIDERS STANDING"  goes to Sue and Heather.  Waiting at the forestry h q gates to tour Forest Tracks and Trails on our conclusion for our day,  NO ONE showed to join in with us??? 
Whilst the remainder of our Adventure Ride Group departed for warmer home climes,  Heather and I waited patiently for at least 30 mins at the gates to partake of more Adventures.  WE were both very much looking forwards to concluding our day Forest Side rather than ending our journey via the sealed roadways.  The rain was now so thick,  my camera had decided enough was enough.  So,   sorry "NO LAST RIDERS STANDING PIC" could be taken.    CLASSIC, and what a MISSED Opportunity!!!


******In From JIMZ Garage*****
Preparing for NGARNZ FIRST Route Sheet Adventure Ride


A N D..........................

This Week  DR650 Stuff


NGARNZ Ride Calendar
01st February 2013 - 31st January 2014
NEW SEason of Adventures
*****Now on our Ride Calendar just some of the
important stuff*****
-     Featuring Membership and How To Become a Ride Group Member
-     About us - Jim and Sue - How we run and organise the many NGARNZ Events for this NEW Season of Adventures
-     Adventure Bike Training and Bike Hire
Personalised Sessions and One on One Coaching with
Jim can now be arranged
-     Gravel Newz Issues both Past and Present -
Looking to keep you updated and informed
Where we are going/what we have coming up

NGARNZ Ride Group Supporters: - 




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