Monday, 4 February 2013

Puhoi and The Looser Route Leading To....

P     U    H     O     I

January 2013 and our very FIRST Issue of Gravel Newz is now here ......  We open this Issue with MOTION scenes unveiled from a very Dusty Gravel Road Ride -
 Episode Number 1

Saturday 26th January and a Fine Gravel Road Ride to Puhoi and the Famous Cheese Factory

Episode Number Two - A Light Hearted Look at it Allll.......

A N D   in our Conclusion from "One Very Fine Day" -  If you didn't manage to make this ride,  we hope we will catch you on some of our "New and Exciting Adventures" to come.

A big thanks to Mike for taking the time out to check over our route for hazards prior to the Dusty Riders attending on the Saturday.  WE award our CycleSpot Euro Vouchers to Mike this ride for the work put into route preparation for us.   Next in line,  and not to be forgotten,  I believe some of you may just know DR BIG and KATIE !!!!    These two have been attendees at our rides over the past season, and at the conclusion of this ride we awarded the owner of these two our Spectro Oil Pack and filter prize.  Congratulations on bringing these two out -  I heard DR BIG has provided SAID OWNER with one very hefty fix-up bill  !!!!   This Spectro Prize Pack will most certainly be well received.   Well done to you Mark.

Memories from Days Gone Past: -
   One fine day,  myself along with another BMW fellow rider decided to venture Out And About Northwards for a casual exploration of the Dargaville area, along with adding a few additional km's to our speedos.  With nothing better to do,  this was indeed an excellent idea.   

just so happen to speak fluent ENGLISH!!!   :)
  Our first stop, and we had reached a roadside parking area.  Deciding to take a brief spell,  we pulled the TWO BMW machines in for a slight break.  Not realising that our BMW machines also sported TWO owners complete with BMW jackets, etc etc,   (  hint  GERMAN TOURISTS  )   ?????   (did not know that at the time, until statement was made with regards to  :)   )   Looking back now,  it most definitely does seem that this picture I am conveying fits in here perfectly. 

WHICH PIC fits???????   DO  German
 Scanning the immediate area just as we had pulled into the alcove,  we spotted  (well more heard) the rumble of the big engine firing up the KTM 990 Adventure Bike as it roared past us.  I remember the big bike turning into the left hand side road adjacent to us as we were now parked up, and the occupant's helmet veering sidewards as it turned almost curiously to view the "German Tourists"  :)    "Flashback here", and it was only just a few moments prior to this the two Beemers travelled along the sealed roading,  and this certain Big KTM Bike overtook us.  I know we all comment on "Front Tyre Saving Techniques";  this statement gets bandied about quite frequently??@#"??.   My thoughts this day, covers this nicely.  I can only say on reflection here with this particular Big Bike, that this owner also adopts this principal.  The front tyre did look mighty slick.   The Big KTM roared past us, and it reminded me of a giant stallion in flight as it bucks in full flight along the trails,  front lifting high into the air!!! 

  The big Adventure Bike had now raised OUR eyebrows,  and it now veered suspiciously  around and was heading briskly back towards us.   I guess curiosity can be quite hard to overcome!!!   Our KTM gent had now pulled into our roadside park up and was now neatly tucked in beside the two BMW Big Bikes, and then proceeded to disembark from his machine.  WHO WAS GOING TO Utter the Very First Word Here:::::???

  I do believe the KTM gent was the first to get A WORD IN......   It must have been quite a moment when we both spoke Fluent English!!!!   I will always laugh when I think of this moment,  absolutely hilarious.   These are the goodies we all remember. 

And OVERLAND Adventures has been spotted!!!  The BIG KTM taking it OVERLAND!!!

  Where did we go?  and what did the THREE of us get up to that day??    WEll a good amount of roadside adventure occurred that day,  as we made our way out to view a gorgeous lake.  The TWO BM's chose the sealed road that led into,  whilst the big KTM COULD NOT BE TAMED,    OVERLAND IT WENT,  and it did the brand PROUD!!!   Seeing was believing.  OVERLAND ADVENTURES,  and a great deal of.
  From this Adventure this day,  a New Ride Group Member joined our growing flock, and many more adventures have since been shared.  As this owner has a tendency to PLAY HARD when Out and About on his adventures,  he has joined us periodically from either the seat of the mighty 990 Adventure Bike/occasionally DR BIG has been along for the ride or,,,,  ON ONE occasion from behind the wheel of the Jeep!!!   When time permitted we often organised a Mid Week Adventure ride.    

Forever a cheeky charlie,   adopting to have a play on the small XT   -   oh dear!!!

NO  HONESTLY     IT WASN'T ME!!!!    "Guilty we thinks"   Pics tell a thousand tales
Further Shared adventures soon ensued, and this led us to tackle South Head and the gravel roads leading out to The Wainoni Lagoon.  Striking it lucky???  (unsure as to just how lucky)  this day we were joined by another lady adventure rider.  As we ventured out onto the black sands leading out and into The Lagoon, we found that the tide happened to be right on LOW.  Excellent.

The Lagoon - simply gorgeous
UNSURE at the time,  just how EXCELLENT this actually was???  

Finding Stream Crossings over the Sandy Beach and Front Tyre Saving Techniques
on Display yet again
 Meanwhile, whilst we were marvelling in the surrounds and playing at criss-crossing those STREAM crossings, DR BIG was OUT and ABOUT and having some mighty fine times on the deserted beach. Quite a spectacular sight.

 Our New Gent guided and took both of us LADY Riders out on An Adventure leading right to the very end of the Lagoon.  I have never ridden ever as far out as we ventured that day.   When the tide is out,  you can venture quite a way around.  Fantastic.

Our route as we travelled over the deserted beach led us over and through several shallow stream crossings and up and into The Lagoon itself.  Nearing the very end of this we came upon many kaikuia grassy tracks, the wiry green grassy tentacles stretching beyond to help hold these sandy tracks together.  Wow, this was amazing,  we found many NEW tracks that led out to the very edge of the sand banks.    For the two of us lady adventure warriors in the makings,  this provided a real adventure. 

Simply gorgeous views at the end of the Lagoon
The Road that leads us into - What a magic day it was

February 23rd/24th   -   "BIG BIKE"  Adventure Weekend  
  Take a Journey from Awakino to Aria -

NGARNZ "EVENT" WEEKEND - From Awakino - Aria: -
 Gravel Roads meet Farm Tracks/Trails/Beach  that lead to the most    stunning views: -
Registration Forms NOW Available through enquiry on our website link
Entries closing 18th February.

If YOU are intending to join us on the Friday for our Big Weekend Event,  and may have a trailer space available,  we have a lady adventure rider who has just recently purchased a NEW mount to join us.  We present ELMO to NGARNZ.  ELMO now parks up inside the stable that also houses MISS PIGGY and is set to join us on some adventures in the coming season, when timing permits.   So  any spare trailer spaces,  please mail me and I will forward contact details.


Our visit to a 4000 hectare Taumarunui based Station is looming as we make ready to pay a visit here, right in the very heart of Taumarunui.   This has been factored in with a visit to more additional Farming Stations that offer tracks and trails throughout these areas.   Our accommodation which is incorporated into our Ride Package is Whakapapa Based, and looks set to be g r e a t !!!

Adventures to Come, and Where Are We Headed??: -

IN THE EARLY DAYS OF NGARNZ -  and a little over a YEAR AGO now, WE were solely focused on the riding of Gravel/SEal combinations and our AWAY organised trips were minimal.  TODAY, and looking back on the UNIQUE areas we have been fortunate to have explored,  this has been the catalyst of the growth factor to our membership base.    It is an extremely difficult task, to continually look to source and seek out all of the available free-to-access public gravel roads in the near vicinity of most of our Members,  not to mention quite un-exciting when riding these on a very frequent basis.   Ride Attendance was declining on this basis.  "NOW", as our membership is on the increase, so the expectations and "HUNGER" for the exploration of "NEW" and Interesting areas burgeons.  "TAPPING" into and "FEEDING" this "LUST" for adventure, has meant that we must look to add into our routes more than the gravel/sealed combination offers, in order to produce that unique experience we have all come to "CRAVE".  WE MUST evolve to meet the needs of our membership base.  WE have always catered for all levels of ability in attendance at our rides,  and don't see this focus changing.  Our ride terrain has also been well suited for Big Adventure Bike Riding.

THE SUMMER OF 2012/2013 - "OVERLAND ADVENTURES WAS BORN": - We have been able to enjoy many hard-packed farm surfaces,  these have been immensely enjoyed by our vast number of growing ride attendees, and WELL SUITED to our big adventure bikes.    Wonderful, and the blossoming numbers in attendance at these NEW and VARIED adventures True testament in itself as to the vast enjoyment factor for us personally,  that we are indeed headed in the correct directional pathway.   Our summation is that - "HAD WE ONLY been producing adventures based on the combination of gravel/sealed routes,  we don't believe NGARNZ would be in existence now.   Keeping things  NEW,  VARIED,  and always looking to produce that little something different is the makings of "ADVENTURES" in its own right.....  We know that we are on the right track with what we do.  Jim and I will continue to look for more NEW Areas and bring more adventures to our fellow adventurers.

WINTER, AND THE WET AND COOL CLIMES will soon be bestowed unwantingly upon us.  This in mind, our format will alter once again.   The cooler climes will see the return of gravel/seal mix combinations, with the occasional "NEW SURF and TURF" runs, these will rear themselves from slumber.    As a "Mid Ranger Professionale",  I can personally vouch for the ethics of rolling my dual purpose bike over those harder-packed sand tracks and trails.  In fact,  I am quite looking forwards to it.  The heavy roil of the surf smashing down upon the deserted beaches we have around us will be very enticing indeed.  Mixing it up with the occasional seals on our beaches,  simply the most fantastic experience.  More adventures to be had. 

ROUTE SHEET ADVENTURES: -   NEW AND COMING FOR WINTER:  -  We will run our very FIRST in a series of OUR Map Adventure Themes as Team Events. 

FOREST EXPLORATIONS RETURN: -   Just PERFECT once again for BIG BIKE FRIENDLY riding - New areas to explore and to enjoy, along with weekends AWAY to take advantage of Those More Out Of The Way Places we all know about,  (and want to find out about).  THESE, just some of the "MANY NEW" and "VARIED" Concepts we have planned.   RUG UP EVERYONE,   ADVENTURES AWAIT...........  Winter is looking set to be equally as enticing!!!!!  Adventures don't stop here.......  

Xmas came and went far tooo quickly, and below we have a compilation of pics from some of our NGARNZ members, as adventures were planned and visited upon the deep South: -

  Our Crew have enjoyed their many adventures - the pics say it all: -

Boys BIG Adventure Down South

Ride Group Member Malcom leaves us and has his Suzuki DR650 for Sale:  If interested here is the link below: -


New Supporter to NGARNZ now joins us here in New Zealand

PSSST!!!!!!!!!!!     If you are a regular reader of Gravel Newz Issues,  You will now notice that we have another "NEW Supporter" that has just joined us,     "TOURATECH NEW ZEALAND"   is Now Here, and will be seen featured upon the pages alongside of our Supporters.  "Another NEW and ADDITIONAL" benefit to becoming a Ride Group Member to NGARNZ,  you will now receive 10% discount when placing orders on the wide range of Touratech products.  All PAID Members will receive a code that will be issued upon payment of Membership fees.   NGARNZ offers interesting and varied rides to those seeking a wide range of riding adventures,  and we have to date taken you to many NEW areas NOT previously explored.  Membership offers further discounted rides on our already extremely good value adventures that we have been providing.

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